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The Makings of Beautiful Home Archways

Home archways are found in some of the most stunning décor

When you enter a well-designed home with really beautiful archways, the last thing you’re thinking about is the structure (unless, of course, you build arches for a living like we do).


You might be thinking about the accent lighting or the textured wallpaper; you might even be thinking about how the curves help one room to seamlessly flow into another without any harsh lines breaking up the view. But there’s more to home archways than just some pretty and polished décor. Let’s take a look at some stunning examples to give you an idea of the bigger picture:

This series of home archways illustrates how an arch can be used to add depth to a room, or in this case, a hallway. The arches may not be structurally necessary, but they help create the air of opulence that is so apparent here. Up until now, you probably thought hallways were the most boring spaces in the home, right? Well, if that’s the case, we can only guess that every room in this home is spectacular. Although these archways may seem expensive and difficult to install, they aren’t either of those things. The view to the side gives you an idea of what the arches look like without all the dressing. These are bare bones home archways that were just installed.

Here’s another example of home archways that are repeated to create a desired look. In this case, half-circle archways are used instead of the soft arches in the previous example. Check out the images to the right to see what this kind of arch looks like before the layer of sheetrock and two coats of paint are added.

Elliptical home archways are often used for wide openings, but they can also be used for a smaller entryway – as shown in this example. Unlike the other two types of archways we’ve seen today, the elliptical arch is unique in that the radius changes from its center to the edges. It’s a gentle curve in the middle and it gets even curvier at the edges.

Truthfully, it doesn’t matter which archway you choose or even how many you decide to install. Installation is just as easy every time. As long as you can hold a nail gun and work a tape measure, you can install any one of our home archways. The decision will simply come down to design. Do you want your room to have a Tuscan feel, or are you looking for something a little more modern? Just remember that you don’t have to restrict yourself to entryways. You can also add arches virtually anywhere to bring an otherwise flat and boring space to life.

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